About Alison Griffiths

I live by the coast, near Chichester, with my husband, Chris, and have three grown-up step daughters.

I grew up in Surrey and Sussex, before going on to study at University. It was there that my life took a dramatically different turn.

In my first year, I contracted bacterial meningitis. In a coma for a week, I lost 70% of my hearing, permanently. Like you, I know the value of the NHS – the doctors and nurses saved my life. I know I was lucky: I learned to hear again – just differently.

Through adversity I came out the other side to focus on how I could make a difference to the world.  I became a trustee of the national charity Meningitis Now and I remain an ambassador for them. If elected, one of my national priorities will be to support disability charities.

In my thirty-year business career, I worked in senior roles for global businesses including pensions provider Aviva, and Coca-Cola, helped technology companies grow, and advised the government on FinTech and cybersecurity.

I’ve been involved in politics for fifteen years. I know my way around government, and how to get things done – whichever party is in power.

When I’m not working, I go sea-swimming several times a week. So, no one needs to tell me the damage that sewage discharges are doing.

As your MP, I will be as determined and tenacious as I have been throughout my life. I will stand up for all of us on sewage and flooding, on inappropriate development, and I’ll fight for vital community infrastructure.

I will use my business experience to champion the jobs, skills, and tourism which will boost our high streets.

I will support the protection of state pensions and do everything I can to ensure our residents can access the NHS services they need. I want to make sure the NHS is there for you, just as it was there for me.

I will do all of this because my values are your values:  at my core, I place integrity at the heart of everything I do.

As your newly-elected Member of Parliament, my pledge to you is simple. I will listen to you; act for you; and champion you to the very best of my ability. I love this area, and I will always fight for you.